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Oil and Gas Drilling: Majestic Tax deductions against Adjusted Gross Income (AGI)

Note: Following blog article is for educational purposes only, this is NOT to be considered as TAX, LEGAL, FINANCIAL advice. Please consult CPA, Tax, Legal, and Financial professionals for details of your specific tax and investing situation. 

There are many reasons why qualified investors choose to take advantage of joint venture oil and gas exploration opportunities, but one of the most compelling reasons is the tax benefits that are afforded by this unique investment opportunity. In fact, when it comes to tax-advantaged investments for wealthy or sophisticated investors, oil and gas commodities stand alone.

Domestic energy production in the United States comes with a large number of attractive tax incentives which, separately or together, complement any tax-advantaged investment strategy. Majestic can help you take advantage of these tax benefits to build wealth, protect your portfolio, and reduce your overall tax liabilities.

Most notably, there are no income or net...

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