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Unlocking Investment Opportunities: Converting Past Employment Retirement Funds to Self-Directed IRA and Solo 401(k)

Introduction: Saving for retirement is a crucial aspect of financial planning, and traditional retirement accounts such as 401(k) and Traditional IRA have been popular choices. However, many individuals are now exploring the option of self-directed retirement accounts to diversify their investment portfolio. In this article, we will delve into the process of converting past employment retirement funds into a self-directed IRA and a solo 401(k) to explore investment opportunities in alternate assets, particularly real estate syndications.

Self directed IRA LLC - suitable for w2 employees who want control of retirement nest egg through alternative investments

Solo 401k - suitable for business owners who want control of retirement nest egg through alternative investments

Understanding Self-Directed IRA and Solo 401(k): A self-directed Individual Retirement Account (IRA) and a solo 401(k) are powerful tools that allow individuals to take greater control over...

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Self Storage: Recession Resistant Real Estate Asset



Majestic investment group currently has 9 self storage facilities in its portfolio 4 in Texas 2 in Missouri and 3 in Arkansas. Self storage is known as #1 recession resistant asset class.  

Self Storage Website

Location ( City State)

Storage Type

Columbia Smart Storage

Columbia Missouri 

Self Storage

Access Storage

Orange Texas

Self Storage | RV | Boat

Midway Self Storage

Midway Missouri

Self Storage

Palmer Self Storage

Palmer Texas

Self Storage | RV | Boat

Galena Park Storage

Galena Park Texas

Self Storage | Apartment | Office

Pear Self Storage

Pearland Texas

Self Storage | RV | Boat

Berryville - Spring Self Storage

Berryville Arkansas

Self Storage

Farmington - Spring Self Storage

Farmington Arkansas

Self Storage | RV | Boat

Prairie Grove - Spring Self Storage

Prairie Grove Arkansas

Self Storage | RV | Boat




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Two Step

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